Our Founder Chairman

Born on Christmas Eve in 1935 Dr. Y. C. Bhatt was destined to bring good to mankind through his efforts. It was to be in more ways than one. Initially his pioneering efforts in the field of manufacturing fine arts equipment provided Indian artists with quality fine arts material at economical prices. He was involved with fine arts from 1959-1966.

 From 1969 Dr. Y. C. Bhatt undertook extensive studies in ancient Ayurveda. He took practical training under eminent Ayurvedic practitioners. During the course of his research in Ayurvedic medicine he undertook several visits to Tibet, the Himalayan region including central and south India. During the travels he collected vital data and information about numerous medicinal plants. He undertook extensive research, studying their properties and usage keeping in mind the Tridoshas and the principles of Ayurvedic system of medicinal treatment. During his expeditions in search of knowledge he was fortunate to have met some highly spiritual ‘sanyasis’ who had attained the highest level of spiritual attainments and could foresee Dr. Bhatt’s ability and intention to serve society, offering mankind the best from nature’s creation.

 Dr. Bhatt was highly respected in India and abroad for his knowledge, experience and expertise in the field of alternative system of medicines and his contribution is outstanding. He has written articles and conducted many seminars on Ayurveda.

 His expertise, insight and wisdom contributed significantly to the development of exports market for Welex’s Ayurvedic herbal supplements in South East Asia, Western Europe, U.S.A. etc

100% handmade soap bar

A True Patriot

Dr. Y. C. Bhatt had a burning love for the country and intensely believed in self-reliance. He had great belief in the capacity of his countrymen to do things themselves instead of depending upon imported equipment and foreign expertise. He put into practice his belief in self-reliance by the manner in which he built up Welex Laboratories initially in a single room in Tardeo, subsequently moving to Tarapore with indigenously made equipment including designing and planning, manufacturing process, quality control and packaging systems. He impressed friends, acquaintances and competitors by the great efficiency he brought to the management of Welex Laboratories. He had not acquired any professional training in management, but he had an inborn knowledge of the fundamental principles of management. He put this in good use in building a solid foundation of growth and quality production.

 Because of his many contacts with scientists, Ayurvedic research institutes, government officials and other experts including the foreigners; he was always in the forefront in world affairs, India’s problems and in particular on Ayurvedic trends


An Ingenious Mind

He was full of ideas on expansion, growth and improvements in the manufacturing process including advanced research in herbal supplement production. Mentioned below are a few honours that were bestowed upon Dr. Bhatt during his career:

‘Udyog Patra’ Award conferred by the President of India in 1975 in recognition of his contribution to the economic development in the role of a self made young entrepreneur.

President of Rotary Club of Bombay Central. He had been re-appointed thrice as ‘Special Executive Magistrate’ (Justice of Peace) by the Government of Maharashtra.

meet the founder

Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa)

Receiving Prestigious Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Award

With Mother Teresa On Award Function

Dr. Bhatt’s significant contribution and pioneering efforts in the field of Fine Arts, Mathematics and Management led to his being elected a Fellow of the following internationally respected bodies:
The Royal Society of Arts, London.
The Royal Statistical Society, London.
The Institution of Industrial Management, U.K.
The British Institute of Management, U.K.
 In recognition of his exceptional self-acquired scientific knowledge, life experience, expertise and most outstanding significant contribution in the field of Science of Ayurveda, he was conferred the prestigious degree of “Doctor of Science” (Honoris Causa) by Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut in April 1995. From the hands of Shri Motilal Vohra, the then Governor of U.P.

Dr. Bhatt was highly respected in India and abroad for his knowledge, experience and expertise in the field of alternative system of medicines and his contribution is outstanding. He has written articles and conducted many seminars on Ayurveda. His expertise, insight and wisdom contributed significantly to the development of exports market for Welex’s Ayurvedic herbal supplements in South East Asia, Western Europe, U.S.A. etc

Note from Our Managing Director

The sudden and tragic demise of my father on 4th October 97 left me a completely devastated man. No sooner did I take over the helm of affairs of Welex Laboratories as the Managing Director of Welex Laboratories Private Limited, then I started feeling the void in my life. For ten years he had groomed me to succeed him, and I had been the young man in a hurry, eager to take over and impatient. Now, suddenly, I had the job but what I did not have was my father there to back me up. I had heard so many stories about sons of prominent men failing in business, and I could imagine their devastation at finding themselves unable to fill their father’s shoes. I worried I would end up the same way, but luckily for me things were going to be different.
Our attachment to the Ayurvedic medical system is total; our commitment to its values, complete.
I went another year and then another. The Ayurveda age has begun and Welex is trying to capitalise on it. I like to think that my father would have been impressed with the growth in the scale of the business. He had always maintained that Welex would someday be amongst the best Ayurvedic medicine manufacturing companies in the world.
I was intimately entwined with my father. I had a compelling desire, maybe out of honour for the gentleman, to prove to the world that I could excel the same way that he did. I can never declare myself a winner in that contest because many of my decisions are based on policies and practices learned at his knee. But I think I am at least successful enough that people could say that I am a worthy son of a worthy father.
I drew inspiration from my father, who was committed to provide the best remedies to his patients and mankind in general through his expertise in the science of ‘Ayurveda’. My father, the founder, passed on the legacy and mission to me, and I in turn, intend to pass the baton on to the next generation.

Roopam Y. Bhatt